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Clearing the skies: cloud computing misconceptions and how to avoid mistakes

Clearing the skies: cloud computing misconceptions and how to avoid mistakes

When it comes to switching to the cloud, it pays to be informed. Whether it’s through private, public, or hybrid cloud options that make use of leading industry cloud service providers like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud, you have a lot to choose from. But the complexity surrounding the nature of cloud computing can lead to misconceptions, and also mistakes: spelling danger for any business-owner who might potentially implement a poorly-planned and executed cloud solution.

This article will walk you through some of the common misconceptions surrounding cloud computing, and the common mistakes many businesses make when making the big switch.

Taking a one size fits all approach

One of the most common mistakes in cloud computing is pouring out your investments without taking into account your own business needs. Because cloud services are vast and diverse, there is always an opportunity to choose what you really need and scale up or down accordingly.

Different providers have different specialties, along with a vast array of services that would help you conduct your business operations more efficiently. Careful consideration of each service you will avail can help you make more informed decisions about your cloud computing investments.

Simply moving everything to the cloud

Cloud computing paved the way for digital transformation across the enterprise, innovating the way we conduct business in ways we’ve never seen before. It is especially important today as the world makes use of cloud computing to adapt to the shifts brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the cloud isn’t the be-all and end-all of business operations: some applications are still better done the old-fashioned way, and the relevance of cloud computing varies per industry. Knowing what you need and how the cloud can address it can help you maximize your investments.

Assuming that cloud computing is “cheap”

An often-discussed topic surrounding cloud computing is cost savings. It is true: one of the key benefits of cloud computing is its ability to scale up or down according to business requirements, meaning you only pay for what you need, and get what you pay for. Despite this, cloud computing’s main benefit is not its “low price”, but that it brings incredible value to your organization when used well. Cloud computing is still a major investment for any business, and it follows that choosing the right investments will lead to cost savings.

That said, there are simpler and more affordable ways to get into the cloud if you just want to dip your toes. Our Manage brand of service focuses on providing accessible cloud solutions for your business at four easy prices. Visit our Manage page to learn more.

Forgetting internet connectivity

This might not be directly connected to cloud computing itself, but it’s still important: internet connectivity is paramount in ensuring your business operates smoothly and takes advantage of all the features the cloud has to offer. Even if you have the best cloud solutions integrated into your operations, if your company has not invested in a strong and reliable internet connection, everyone will have difficulty conducting business over the cloud.

It is more important now as people adapt to work from home measures due to government restrictions on travel and office work. Make sure to have fast and solid internet for your business and your employees.

Lack of appropriate security measures

When migrating to the cloud, resources might be spent on building and implementing the right infrastructure for your business. But sometimes, security might be overlooked. Conducting your business operations in the cloud means that your organization’s sensitive information is stored in a space that many people can access if not secured properly.

Various cloud service providers like Amazon have built security at the heart of their cloud solutions, but they are not responsible for keeping your actual data secure. In line with this, a common mistake is failing to understand the responsibilities between you, the consumer, and the cloud service provider, which Amazon calls the “Shared Responsibility Model” in the next item:

Not understanding the Shared Responsibility Model

AWS, just like Azure and Google Cloud, are public cloud providers. This means that when you choose to avail of their services and outsource your operations to them, your data and information will be stored in servers or places that they own, leaving you to operate in the space you license from them. This presents risks for both parties: you as a consumer face risks in having your own operations jeopardized if your chosen vendor suffers an outage, for example. This means vendors also risk losing their own consumers, and being liable for damages should the worst happen.

This is where Amazon’s own Shared Responsibility Model comes into play: it is a set of agreements between you and Amazon as a cloud service provider listing the responsibilities of each party, which you can view in detail in this link. In a nutshell, Amazon is only responsible for its own end of the bargain: security of their own platform, AWS. You as the Customer are responsible for whatever you decide to do with the services you avail in theirs.

Foregoing a disaster recovery plan

In traditional business operations, especially in large enterprises, there is always a disaster recovery plan to ensure that businesses can still operate despite natural or man-made disasters like fire, earthquakes, security breaches, and more. In the digital age, disaster recovery means ensuring your sensitive data is secure, and that you have multiple backups along with redundancy to ensure your data is secure.

Cloud storage solutions like Amazon S3 or AWS S3, short for Simple Storage Service are one of the industry leading solutions for enterprise cloud storage that can help you backup your data to prevent loss. By creating a robust backup system using cloud solutions, you can have a plan to rescue your data in case disaster strikes.


Cloud computing truly has benefits that outweigh many of its potential cons, but your business might suffer if you do not carefully plan your investments and infrastructure. When you do not consider these factors, your business might not reap the benefits of your investment or worse: suffer the dangerous consequences as listed above.

Fortunately at Apper, we’ve got your back: our team of cloud-certified engineers and experts are ready to assist you in your cloud journey. Through Engage, our consultancy services, we bridge the knowledge gap between decision-maker and cloud technology to help bring the cloud to all. Contact us at Apper today and find out how you can properly plan for your cloud migration.

Mosselle Louise Cruz

Sales and Marketing

Mosselle is an experienced tech startup country launcher and marketing professional with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and Tech Startup industry. She has helped ASEAN tech brands expand to the Philippines since 2015. She has worked with FinTech and HRTech startups during their early phases, setting up groundwork for the local teams to drive growth and jumpstart operations.

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