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Case Studies

Apper on DevOps
Apper DevOps uses tools to automate manual tasks, assist teams in managing complex environments at scale, and keep engineers in charge of the high speed of DevOps.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

Automatically build, test, and deploy your application while securely storing and versioning its source code.

When BeautyMnl first approached Apper, their primary goal was to optimize and scale. But they saw other opportunities to take these optimizations to the next level, such as preparing for seasonal demand.

Since then, they have been able to reduce their deployment time for software releases by 75% with the use of AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild. They have also reduced application bugs and have achieved end-to-end cloud infrastructure provisioning using AWS CloudFormation, which resulted in a reduction of provisioning work from one week to one hour, 168 times faster.


Moving to the cloud can be challenging task that requires a lot of experience to avoid loss of precious data.

The benefits gained from this migration transcended past the sales aspect of Zagana’s business. On the technological side, speed development has cut down deployment time by almost 50%. This helped the tech team focus on the core functions of their business and product enhancement to provide optimal customer experience. It impacted all other channels aside from the website since the decreased deployment time enabled developers to focus more on conceptualizing the latest releases and updates that will enhance customer engagement.


Using code and templates, Apper DevOps can provision, configure, and manage your infrastructure resources. Infrastructure compliance will be monitored and enforced by Apper DevOps.

When BeautyMnl first approached Apper, their primary goal was to optimize and scale. But they saw other opportunities to take these optimizations to the next level, such as preparing for seasonal demand. For peak or sale seasons, they wanted to be ready for the increase in transactions and users, and ultimately, reduce friction in the user experience. They also needed to reduce downtime as well as the time it took to release new features.

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Start your Cloud DevOps with Apper
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